Roma 11/09/2021

Declaration of the President of the Italian Republic on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, I wish first and foremost to express the closeness of the Italian people to the families of the victims of that heinous attack and to all the people of the United States, in keeping with the deep and long-standing friendship that binds our two countries.

A special thought goes to my compatriots, and to those of Italian origin who lost their lives in those painful circumstances: lives cut short by a blind and cowardly fanaticism that struck down innocent men and women.

The grief of that tragedy brought us together.

The memory of the barbaric aggression of two decades ago spurs us with ever-increasing determination to protect that common framework of values which reflects the principles of freedom and peaceful coexistence among peoples.

The dramatic events in Afghanistan that ensued, including the recent grievous attack at Kabul airport, the latest in a series of brutal terrorist assaults that have taken place over the years in many countries, confirm how fraught with difficulties the path to the affirmation of human rights is. Freedom, democracy, peace and security are indivisible values that cannot ever be taken for granted, but rather must be preserved and nurtured by the international community.

Italy's commitment in this area will never cease, starting with our contribution to defining asecurity framework capable of defeating terrorism and its deceptions.

Italy stands in solidarity with the United States and the other allies to confront every terrorist threat, extinguish the hotbeds of war that fortify them, and strengthen a world order based on law, social and economic justice, through cooperation and multilateral dialogue. This is in the firm conviction that such commitment will enable us to face the new crucial challenges looming ahead on the global scenario in order to leave a better future to new generations.